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Photo Rejuvenation with Venus Versa™
If you're still struggling with acne breakouts, you're not alone. Acne is among the most common skin conditions in the world, affecting up to 50 million people each year in the United States alone. Research shows that up to 50% of adults aged 20 to 40 suffer from low-grade acne and oily skin. But no matter how common it is, acne is still a struggle to live with. The good news is you don't have to anymore.
With the right treatment, you can effectively target both the cause and visible symptoms of acne-related skin conditions. Venus Concept's dual-light acne treatments work to heal existing acne-related inflammation, while also destroying acne-causing bacteria to minimize future breakouts. The result is noticeably smoother, healthier-looking skin that you'll be happy to show off.